
您所在的位置:网站首页 adb 自动化脚本 通过ADB来实现脚本来控制手机


2024-01-13 10:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ADB 简介

adb的全称为Android Debug Bridge,安卓调试桥,可以通过调试命令来控制手机,诸如开机,关机等按键控制;或者启动,关闭应用;异或进行触摸模拟.


环境配置 电脑端


AdbWinUsbApi.dll AdbWinApi.dll adb.exe


cmd中 adb version检查是否添加成功



开启开发者选项 : 以小米手机为例,先进入开发者设置,miui版本号点5下,更多设置->开发者选项->开启

打开usb调试 : 在开发者选项中,开启usb调试以便于执行adb指令,miui还需要开启usb调试(安全设置)

获取坐标 : 开发者选项中,开启指针位置以便于模拟触摸时获取位置

设备管理 远程调试


开启关闭服务,默认会自动开启,关闭服务可用于断开多个连接的设备 adb start-server adb kill-server adb devices 查看设备列表,如果有模拟器一般会自动连接,所以如果想在开模拟器时断开设备就需要获取模拟器ip:port然后断开


先使用内网穿透得到虚拟IP 如100.119.133.92


手机通过usb调试设置监听端口adb tcpip 5555

断开手机后,电脑连接 如adb connect

调试结束后可以adb disconnect 断开连接


scrcpy 使用这个软件,在上面远程连接之后就可以进行远程控制,当然也可以直接连usb获得稳定的投屏


Local ADB

先连接任意一个 Wi-Fi,就算没有接入互联网都可以;然后打开 LADB,将它调整为小窗模式(或分屏模式)——因为无线调试的配对码等信息每次点击都会动态生成,所以才需要小窗模式同时打开本应用和开发者选项;进入开发者选项,开启无线调试,首次使用需要配对设备,将配对码和端口填入本应用即可;开心使用adb 应用管理


pm package manager

am activity manager


查看应用列表 adb shell pm list packages 查看所有应用 adb shell pm list packages -s 查看系统应用 adb shell pm list packages -3 查看第三方应用 adb shell pm list packages vivo 查看带关键词vivo的应用 安装应用 adb install [-r] [-d] [-g] -r覆盖 -d降级覆盖 -g授予所有运行权限

例如 adb install "D:\android\apk\com.supercell.clashofclans.apk"

卸载应用 adb uninstall [-k] -k 表示卸载应用但保留数据和缓存目录。

例如adb uninstall com.supercell.clashofclans


由adb shell dumpsys window w | findstr mCurrent

得到 mCurrentFocus=Window{8554b85 u0 com.supercell.clashofclans/com.supercell.titan.GameApp}


activity : com.supercell.clashofclans/com.supercell.titan.GameApp

package : com.supercell.clashofclans


@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem 先查询window w mCurrent属性,如果为空,则查询window w imeControlTarget属性 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('adb shell dumpsys window w ^| findstr mCurrent') do set activity=%%a if "!activity!"=="" ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('adb shell dumpsys window w ^| findstr imeControlTarget') do set activity=%%a ) rem 然后对获得的结果进行处理提取得到activity和package,先去除},然后取空格分隔的最后一部分,即activity,之后再得到package for /f "delims=}" %%a in ("!activity!") do set activity=%%a rem for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ("!activity!") do set activity=%%a for %%I in (!activity!) do (set activity=%%I) for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%a in ("!activity!") do set package=%%a echo activity : !activity! echo package : !package! endlocal 提取安装包


adb shell pm path com.supercell.clashofclans adb pull /data/app/com.supercell.clashofclans-HyrIPsbKlOHBjZwM4LnczA==/base.apk D:\android\com.supercell.clashofclans.apk


@echo off rem 获取安装包 set outputpath=D:\android\apk\ set package=com.supercell.clashofclans for /f "delims=" %%a in ( 'adb shell pm path %package%' ) do set originalString=%%a for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ("%originalString%") do set apkpath=%%a adb pull %apkpath% %outputpath%%package%.apk 启动和停止应用 rem 启动 adb shell am start -n com.supercell.clashofclans/com.supercell.titan.GameApp>nul rem 强行停止 adb shell am force-stop com.supercell.clashofclans 行为模拟 按键模拟


rem 模拟主页键 adb shell input keyevent 3



详细的见官网 KeyEvent | Android Developers

触摸模拟 rem 单击 (1200,70)为x,y坐标 adb shell input tap 1200 70 rem 滑动 从(600,700)滑动到(600,900)经历1000ms adb shell input swipe 600 700 600 900 1000 rem 长按 用滑动实现 adb shell input swipe 100 100 100 100 1000 系统控制 rem 执行关机命令 adb shell reboot -p rem 执行重启命令 adb shell reboot rem 进入Recovery adb reboot recovery rem 进入Fastboot adb reboot fastboot 实战 获取当前活动的activity和package @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem 先查询window w mCurrent属性 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('adb shell dumpsys window w ^| findstr mCurrent') do set activity=%%a if "!activity!"=="" ( REM 如果没有查询到,则查询window w imeControlTarget属性,此处只试了两款手机,其他的可以自己打印出window w再找 for /f "delims=" %%a in ('adb shell dumpsys window w ^| findstr imeControlTarget') do set activity=%%a ) rem 然后对获得的结果进行处理提取得到activity和package,先去除},然后取空格分隔的最后一部分,即activity,之后再得到package for /f "delims=}" %%a in ("!activity!") do set activity=%%a rem 通过循环得到空格的最后一段,因为不同的指令输出的我们所需的信息都在最后 for %%I in (!activity!) do (set activity=%%I) for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%a in ("!activity!") do set package=%%a echo activity : !activity! echo package : !package! endlocal coc辅助刷夜世界资源


chcp 65001 @echo off set m=7 :m set /a m+=1 adb shell am start -n com.supercell.clashofclans/com.supercell.titan.GameApp > nul choice /t 12 /d y >nul set /a n = %m% %% 8 if %n% == 0 ( echo 圣水已收集 adb shell input swipe 600 700 600 900 1000 adb shell input tap 1060 80 adb shell input tap 1100 600 adb shell input tap 1200 70 ) rem 皮卡一字滑 adb shell input tap 120 650 adb shell input tap 1035 500 choice /t 5 /d y >nul adb shell input tap 360 650 FOR /L %%i in (1,1,2) DO ( adb shell input tap 200 100 adb shell input tap 200 450 adb shell input tap 1200 100 adb shell input tap 1200 450 ) adb shell am force-stop com.supercell.clashofclans goto m


chcp 65001 @echo off if "%1" == "h" goto begin mshta vbscript:createobject("wscript.shell").run("""%~nx0"" h",0)(window.close)&&exit :begin set m=7 :m set /a m+=1 adb shell am start -n com.supercell.clashofclans/com.supercell.titan.GameApp > nul choice /t 12 /d y >nul set /a n = %m% %% 8 if %n% == 0 ( echo 圣水已收集 adb shell input swipe 600 700 600 900 1000 adb shell input tap 1000 200 adb shell input tap 1100 600 adb shell input tap 1200 70 ) adb shell input tap 120 650 adb shell input tap 1035 500 choice /t 5 /d y >nul adb shell input tap 260 650 adb shell input tap 200 450 adb shell input tap 1200 100 adb shell input tap 360 650 FOR /L %%i in (1,1,2) DO ( adb shell input tap 200 100 adb shell input tap 200 450 adb shell input tap 1200 100 adb shell input tap 1200 450 ) choice /t 80 /d y >nul adb shell input tap 260 650 adb shell input tap 200 450 adb shell input tap 1200 100 adb shell input tap 1100 660 FOR /L %%i in (1,1,3) DO ( adb shell input tap 200 100 adb shell input tap 200 450 adb shell input tap 1200 100 adb shell input tap 1200 450 ) adb shell am force-stop com.supercell.clashofclans goto m TODO 录制操作


#!/bin/bash - if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then echo "-s: to generate Shell file " echo "-c: to generate C program file " echo "-h: help " exit fi #apk信息 PACKAGE=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/PACKAGE/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) ACTIVITY=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/LAUNCH_ACTIVITY/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) #设备信息 DEVICE_NAME=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/DEVICE_NAME/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) echo "Touch device is [ $DEVICE_NAME ]" #文件定义 file=./out/cmds.txt t0file=tmp0.txt t1file=tmp1.txt t2file=tmp2.txt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 函数: 比较两个 Float 数值 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- compare_float(){ local a=$1 local b=$2 awk -va=$a -vb=$b 'BEGIN {if(a>b) printf("true"); else printf("false")}' } compare_string(){ local a=$1 local b=$2 awk -va=$a -vb=$b 'BEGIN {if(a!=b) printf("true"); else printf("false")}' } #组合事件过滤条件 echo "-----recorder started" trap "echo '= recoder stopped ='" SIGINT #重启app adb shell am force-stop $PACKAGE adb shell am start -W -n $PACKAGE/$ACTIVITY #获取输出事件并重定向到文件 adb shell getevent -t | grep -E --line-buffered "$DEVICE_NAME" >$t0file echo "-=============$DEVICE_NAME" #替换"[","]","/dev/input/event/",":"为空字符串 sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g;s/\/dev\/input\/event//g;s/\://g' $t0file >$t1file #把文件中的相关内容格式化 #正则解释: # 1. awk - 转换 第3列 和 第4列 数值为十进制模式(因为ioctl接收的是十进制) # 2. sed - 4294967295 实为 -1, 原因是-1为0xFFFF,FFFF(4294967295) cat $t1file |\ awk '{print $2, strtonum("0x"$3), strtonum("0x"$4), strtonum("0x"$5)}' |\ sed 's/4294967295/-1/g' >$t0file #sleep_arry_line=() # 有睡眠操作的event #sleep_arry_time=() # 保存睡眠时间 awk '{print $1}' $t1file >$t2file # 抽取时间列,存至 $t2file tstart=$(sed -n '1p' $t2file) tend=$(sed -n '$p' $t2file) tdiff=0 index=1 while read t; do case $t in $tstart|$tend ) # 第一个时间和最后一个时间无需比较 tdiff=0.000000 ;; * ) prev=$(sed -n "$(($index-1)) p" $t2file) tdiff=$(awk -va=$t -vb=$prev 'BEGIN {printf("%lf\n",a-b)}') ;; esac echo "$tdiff " #sleep_arry_line+=($index) sleep_arry_time+=($(awk -va=$tdiff 'BEGIN {print a*1000000}')) ((index++)) done < $t2file >$t1file paste $t1file $t0file >$file rm $t0file $t1file $t2file echo "-----Generate txt file, output file is [ $file ]" if ([[ $1 =~ "s" ]]); then # 两个event时间差 # 因为一个触屏操作(如点击一下),需由多个event来组成 mindiff=0.01 shellfile="./out/cmds.sh" scmdfile="scmd.txt" ssleepfile="ssleep.txt" ssleepfinalfile="sleep.txt" awk '{print "sendevent /dev/input/event"$2" "$3" "$4" "$5}' $file >$scmdfile awk '{print $1}' $file >$ssleepfile index=1 while read t;do if $(compare_float $mindiff $t); then echo '' else echo "sleep $t; " fi done < $ssleepfile > $ssleepfinalfile paste $ssleepfinalfile $scmdfile >$shellfile rm $scmdfile $ssleepfinalfile $ssleepfile adb push ./out/cmds.sh /data/local/tmp/cmds.sh echo "-----Generate shell file , output file is [ $shellfile ]" fi if ([[ $1 =~ "c" ]]); then modelcfile=template.c # 模板C语言文件 targetcfile=./jni/cmds.c tcfile=tmpc.c mindiff=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/TIME_INTERVAL/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) currentdev="" >$tcfile while read line; do # 输出临时C语言文件 sleeptime=$(echo $line|awk '{print ($1)*1000000}') device=$(echo $line|awk '{print "/dev/input/event"$2}') type=$(echo $line|awk '{print $3}') code=$(echo $line|awk '{print $4}') value=$(echo $line|awk '{print $5}') if $(compare_float $sleeptime $mindiff); then echo " usleep($sleeptime);" >>$tcfile fi if $(compare_string $currentdev $device);then currentdev=$device cat$tcfile event.type = $type; event.code = $code; event.value = ${value}u; fd = open("$device", O_RDWR); write(fd, &event, event_size); EOF else cat$tcfile event.type = $type; event.code = $code; event.value = ${value}u; write(fd, &event, event_size); EOF fi done $targetcfile rm $tcfile echo "-----Generate C file , output file is [ $targetcfile ]" #编译生成的c命令文件 cd ./jni ndk-build cd ../ cp ./libs/armeabi-v7a/cmds ./out/cmds adb push ./out/cmds /data/local/tmp/cmds rm -r ./libs ./obj fi #关闭app adb shell am force-stop $PACKAGE echo "-----Successfully, totally spent time: $SECONDS seconds"


#apk信息 PACKAGE=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/PACKAGE/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) ACTIVITY=$(awk -F '=' '$1~/LAUNCH_ACTIVITY/{print $2;exit}' ./config.ini) #重启app adb shell am force-stop $PACKAGE adb shell am start -W -n $PACKAGE/$ACTIVITY #回放事件 adb shell /data/local/tmp/cmds #不同的手机权限系统不一样,如果你得手机需要root权限下才能运行回放命令,请替换为以下回放命令 #adb shell su -c busybox chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/cmds #adb shell su -c /data/local/tmp/cmds adb shell am force-stop $PACKAGE


*******************************以下配置信息中不能有空格**************************************** #apk信息 PACKAGE="com.baidu.searchbox" LAUNCH_ACTIVITY="com.baidu.searchbox.MainActivity" #输入device信息,多个输入设备用“|”分隔 DEVICE_NAME=event2:|event9: #两个事件之间的间隔,这个依据机器的性能而不同,需要手动设置,单位是微妙 TIME_INTERVAL=10000




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